Sunday, December 30, 2007

Rear Axle assembly is prepared and istalled over the holiday week. Spring perches are installed along with Axle dampers (quad shocks). An examination of the rear brakes shows there will be work required here.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The AC brake and clutch pedals re installed. Th easy part: drilling and bolting them o. The hard part: getting the little black rubber bushings installed into the pedal themselves.

The Kit did not come with a Gas Pedal, so I built one myself.

I think it looks pretty good

Brake Master Cylinder, Steering Column Assemby, are installed. It Steers!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

We have floors. The floorboards were installed both driver and passenger. Pop rivits were used to install the panels.

Clutch and Brake Pedal assembly get installed along with the Driver footbox panel.

Brake Calipers get ready, Brake rotors are sent out to the machine shop to be turned. Steering column that we ordered last week was wrong. We are still waiting for the replacement